Saturday, February 26, 2011

It will be Between Us

Days before, I received official invitation by the moderator of our Gen 9 blog. Realizing the responsibilities present there, I'm too sorry that I haven't any suitable ideas for such modest site. Eleh, alasan terlebih. 

But hey, I really had this trauma, about one essay not long ago. Soon, I just can't publicize any articles nor essays. That critique, that 'syok sendiri' phrase. Okay whatever. It's trauma enough and full stop.

Who are 'us' meant in the topic anyways? The full topic should be, It will be Between Us: Me, My 'Amal, Munkar, Nakir and Allah knows best. 

Nyanyian Sepi 
by Opick

Langit bumi jadi saksi setiap detik yang berlalu
Hitam putih gelap terang di alam dunia
Semua wajah kan diuji dengan sesuatu yang dicintai
Harta benda dan segalanya semua kan binasa
Tinggallah namamu tinggalkan cintamu
Tinggalkan segala yang dipunya di atas dunia
Hanyalah dirimu hanyalah amalmu
Hanyalah sepimu menemani kesunyian di alam kuburmu
Tiada bisa manusia mengulur sang waktu
Bila tiba masa datang maut menjemputmu
Semua yang di mata semua yang cinta
Semua yang dibangga akan hilang akan sirna
Back to Reff
Barang siapa mengerjakan perbuatan jahat
Maka dia tidak akan di balas melainkan sebanding dengan kejahatan itu
Dan barang siapa mengerjakan amal yang soleh baik laki-laki maupun perempuan
Sedang ia dalam keadaan beriman maka mereka akan masuk surga
Mereka diberi rizki di dalamnya tanpa hisab
Tinggallah namamu tinggalkan cintamu
Tinggalkan segala yang di punya di atas dunia
Hanyalah dirimu hanyalah amalmu
Hanyalah sepimu menemani kesunyian

Back to Reff

There are days we have to deal ourselves. No one can help but us. We had to continue the journey at our own risks. Sometimes the word 'alone' or 'sepi' popped in when there's no one to talk to. I guess, there is worse 'loneliness' than the world's loneliness right? And there is better company for those filling their years in the sake of Allah...?

I fell in love with one nasyeed entitled 'Nyanyian Sepi'  by Opick.  About songs, I really take seriously the music arrangement, vocals and lyrics. This one is one that brings itself to my heart. Just minimum units of instruments always do the trick. 

Nasyeeds would be even better without music, original and afdhal.  Some people tried to make it contemporary but it didn't work but this one worked. Like I said, music arrangement, vocals and lyrics. All about balance in any masterpiece. Although you're writing short stories or novels, you put conflicts but still there's balance in it even it is without clear ending. Oh yeah, that statement needs very much of clarifications. 

I don't talk as a professional composer or any music experts, I am talking now, as a consumer who likes simplicity, originality and cleanliness in any art works. Okay this one is turning into a babble. I'll stop now. Haha.

p/s: I watched again the 'Sepi' movie  that day. Before of after this nasyeed? I don't know. heh. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Semakin Berat

Mesir: Pengajian Pelajar Mungkin diteruskan di Malaysia

Semakin lama, semakin 'hijrah' ini berat rasanya. Ini sememangnya hijrah yg berat bagiku, iaitu hijrah balik ke tanah air sendiri. Telah ku niatkan sejak aku klik borang maya tu, aku akan rehab diriku di sana & sempurnakan impian seorang insan yg 'menangis' bertahun-tahun lamanya. Adakah ini tandanya Allah sedang menguji aku? Sekarang aku tgk diriku. Aku tak 'siap' lagi. Dadaku terasa berat. Sedih bila dpt tahu kemungkinan besar yg kami terpaksa teruskan pngajian di sini. 

Aku masih mengharap. Berdoa.

Bukan bermaksud aku benci atau tak pandang pengajian di sini. Cuma aku dah plan mcm2 dan aku dah sgt serasi belajar di sana. Ni masa depan aku. Ni impian Mak juga, sempurnakan pengajian di Mesir. Sudahlah semalam aku terbaca ttg betapa ramainya graduan perubatan sekarang ni. Tenaga pengajar berkebolehan pula kurang. Dlm otak aku, "MANA AGAKNYA KAU NAK CAMPAK KITORANG???"

Aku tahu mungkin kedengaran kurang praktikal dlm waktu sekarang, tapi aku ulang, aku betul2 nak sambung di sana. Kalaulah tiada jln dan kami terpaksa juga kuatkan iman duduk di sini, moga2 jgnlah kami dicampak secara CINCAI BONCAI saja. Secara logiknya, sedangkan student yg mendaftar di IPTA pun beresak2 nak dptkn tempat, inikan pula kami. Takkanlah planning mcm tu boleh terlengkap dlm setahun. Jadi adakah kami terpaksa menumpang di beberapa dewan kuliah? Adakah kami akan dipisahkan, diselitkan bersama pelajar asal (Okay that's the worst scenario I expect)? 

Kemudian ura2 nak import lecturer sana. Have we prepared for the cost? What about books and system? Can you manage us well? Note, Egypt U system is not same like here. Jadi bagi aku ini satu kerja rumit, tak boleh cincai2. Ini mcm hampir sama dgn membuka cawangan universiti2 di Mesir.  Aku tak tahu ttg system pengajian Islam tapi apa yg aku tahu, aku pilih bidang ni bukan mcm belajar masak2 di rumah. I'm serious. Tiada kata putus muktamad tapi aku tak mahu jadi sebahagian rakyat yg pernah terkena bahana CINCAI BONCAI di Malaysia ni. Moga2 mrk yg di atas sana cukup bijak utk buat benda yg bijak. Anda mesti faham maksud M bukan?

p/s: menangis

Friday, February 11, 2011


I need to go to a library 'NOW'!
I was too busy entertaining my emotion, I switched my phone reminder off. HEY! That's the reminder of Biochemistry assignment I was ignoring. What was it with M? 

Then I became rude. As usual when I'm tension, I tell people to shut up because I was struggling to think straight. Even if they were just trying to give suggestions to help me. Well, I have my own reasons. I just need to calm down first. My weakness. My ego. Huh. And now I made someone I love hurt. Arghh...! I just can't help it when,

I don't know how am I suppose to submit the assignment, being far from Cairo University. I don't have any emails of whom responsible to keep our Biochemistry assignment and suddenly someone tells me, 

"Email kat pensyarah la..."
I replied, "I tak ada email tu sekarang"

"Cuba tanya kawan..."
I didn't reply. My mistake but I was doing what was suggested.

"Lecturer ada FB tak...?"
I didn't reply. Another mistake. I angrily thought the FB idea was a little bit lame. I don't know why.

"Takkan dia tak ada FB..."
then I told it to shut up and at the end of the sentence to make it understand, " tgh pening ni..."

Too many words make M dizzy ESPECIALLY when the adrenaline level has not been stabled YET. I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE RUDE.

All that I recall now is that there's one email I've jotted down and how 'lucky', I wrote the email address in my Biochemistry textbook which I LEFT IN EGYPT!!!

And now, thanks, YOU made me feel guilty. I hope YOU understand me very much. Aduh... Tension bertambah. 

p/s: don't ever try to figure out who's 'it'. And it's not BF.